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Automation and Electrical Engineer, Electronics amateur trying to share my little projects.

Easy use of ToF 10120 LASER Rangefinder to measure distance with Arduino + LCD

Hey everyone, and welcome to this tutorial, which’s about the ToF 10120 (Time-of-Flight) LASER Rangefinder distance sensor, the ToF sensors have become very popular due to their reliability and easy … Continue Reading Easy use of ToF 10120 LASER Rangefinder to measure distance with Arduino + LCD

Interfacing DS18b20 Temperature sensor with Arduino + LCD to measure in Celsius and Fahrenheit

  Hello, and welcome to this quick tutorial where I use the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 with an Arduino Board, I’m using the UNO board. The DS18b20 can output the … Continue Reading Interfacing DS18b20 Temperature sensor with Arduino + LCD to measure in Celsius and Fahrenheit

Interfacing Seeed Studio Grove Speech Recognizer with Arduino (Robot example)

Hello, and welcome to this special tutorial where I Interface Grove Speech Recognizer that was sent to me by Seeed Studio, many thanks. Seeed Studio website: Product page: Reading Interfacing Seeed Studio Grove Speech Recognizer with Arduino (Robot example)